Find out how quickly and easily we can turn your grain into cash

Find your local elevator
Saskatoon West, SK
Phone: 1 (306) 808 0420Toll free: 1 (844) 524 5307
E-mail: askSaskatoonWest@g3.ca
Stettler County, AB
Phone: 1 (403) 743 1246Toll Free: 1 (844) 524 5313
E-mail: askStettlerCounty@g3.ca
G3 is fully committed to transforming the grain marketing industry, not only in order to give you back your time, but to future-proof the way grain is moved across Canada.
Enjoy convenient delivery opportunities, and access to world markets, with G3’s industry-leading unload times and state-of-the-art elevators close to your farm.
Experience a better way to sell grain.
Anytime, anywhere
Join the smarter path today and use G3 SmartSell to securely sell grain, check prices, and connect with a G3 rep.

That’s the average time you can expect unloading your Super B with G3. Transform your grain into cash in a flash.
*Represents the designed elapsed time to discharge a fully-loaded Super B grain trailer while positioned in the driveshed of a high-efficiency G3 grain elevator. Actual discharge time may vary.

That’s the average time you can expect when unloading your Super B with G3. Get in, get out, and get on with your day

About G3
G3 was created with the vision of building a smarter path from farmers’ fields to global markets. Today, G3 is transforming the way grain moves with an expanding network of facilities that sets new standards for fast, safe and reliable operations. We focus on efficiency to create opportunity for our customers across Canada and around the world. G3 Terminal Vancouver, a state-of-the art export facility adds more speed and efficiency to our grain supply chain. G3 is a Canadian company, and is headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba.